I always make it a point to have photos taken beside or behind pine trees whether I'm in Tagaytay or Baguio. While other girls prefer to capture memories with beautiful flowers as their backdrop, I choose trees.
Tagaytay (huuu I miss my Gucci bag!)
Baguio City
These are some of the photos I keep here in my drive. I even remember one time I used pine trees as my background photo for my Multiply site. My love for pine trees is I guess eternal, it's when I need to decide between a garden full of roses or a backyard filled with pine trees, I'll choose the latter.
The reason why I'm posting this? It's not only me who loves trees. When I found out that SM plans to cut down pine trees in replacement of a bigger parking lot, my heart broke into pieces. I've been to SM Baguio and I must say that it's quite crowded and bringing your own car isn't a good idea since the parking slots are always full. But cutting down trees to pave way for this chaotic parking issue is not the answer.
Just in case we need a fresh reminder on why trees are important to us (not just in Baguio alone): the roots of the trees anchor the soil to keep the land stable thus prevent landslide. The trees also absorb water thus prevent flood. As the tree grows, it needs more water. The greater its need for water, more roots will grow. The more trees the lesser chances of landslide and flood we'll have.
You don't want these to happen again, do you?
Nightmares do come true. Wake up, SM. You say, "We've got it all for you!" but please do not get disasters for us too! Otherwise, change your tagline to "We'll cut it all for you!" If the photos still aren't enough to warn you, click here for more.
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul? --Matthew 16:26
I love SM. This is where I buy most of my stuff, 80% of my stuff. But when the expansion takes place, I don't know.
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