I just realized how much I value writing and the feeling of relief it gives me every after composition is something I can't explain--it gives me so much happiness. Motherhood, at the same time, is just exactly the same. Although the past few days, my motherhood kinda stops me from writing because I'd rather play with Sword when he's awake and sleep with him when he's asleep. BUT!!! It's gonna be fun and more exciting if I share my story of motherhood through words and that's what's up for now. Writing about motherhood. And more! :)
Now that I'm overwhelmed and lost track on what I must do, I'll just start by sharing you Sword's two firsts! First children's party he's attended and his first Halloween experience! I know, it's already mid-November to bear his costume party photos but.. my baby is just too cute for words. Hahaha
My ba-bee is the most adorable bee!
He brought home a lot of sweets from his first Trick or Treat experience.
Days after he attended his cousin Marcus' Christening...
...and his cousin Ceean's costume birthday party!
"Hmm why do you have to keep on posting my photos online, Mommy?"
The world needs to see a wonder like you, son! :)
So I'll keep them coming. :)
I love these pics too :)